Zone 1 representative/Whangarei District Council
Nicholas Connop

Councillor, Dad, environmentalist, advocate

“I was encouraged to get into local government as I was seen as a community leader and passionate about the environment.“

A community-driven advocate with a strong passion for the environment, Nicholas joined local government due to his reputation as a community leader and his commitment to preserving nature.

Being part of the community means involvement beyond the council chambers. Nicholas actively maintains parks, volunteers with community groups, and engages in rubbish clean-up initiatives. These experiences provide valuable insights for his local government role. The most rewarding part of local government for him? When the community feels supported by decisions or projects he's part of.

He emphasises local government's vital role in connecting communities to essential services. To enhance local government, Nicholas suggests improving the funding system, strengthening relationships with central government, and better engaging local communities through education. He says effective local government leaders deeply care about their communities, prioritise the environment, engage actively, and are passionate and determined problem solvers.

Outside work, Nicholas enjoys being a father, geocaching, hiking, and exploring nature. He treasures the fantastic beaches and bush tracks in his rohe and community.