SuperCollab Award - Sponsored by Fulton Hogan

This award is for an innovative collaboration or partnership that’s delivered a brilliant outcome – one that’s had a significant positive impact on all or part of a community’s social, economic, environmental and/or cultural wellbeing. Whether a council’s worked with one or multiple collaborators, they’ve taken a genuine partnership approach built on trust, respect and innovation. The outcome of this partnership or collaboration will have long-lasting benefits to their community.


For the SuperCollab award, you must demonstrate the following:

  • Meaningful collaboration. You can demonstrate the creation or strengthening of a relationship that has resulted in an extraordinary outcome. This may be between two or more councils; or between a council and one or more groups or organisations such as an iwi/hapū, community group, not-for-profit organisation, a central government agency or a commercial enterprise.
  • Exponential impact. You can show how the partnership or collaboration produced results greater than the sum of its parts, with each partner achieving significantly more together than they could have individually.
  • Tangible community benefit. You can provide evidence of significant positive impacts on the community resulting from the partnership, including social, economic, environmental, or cultural improvements.
  • Effective communication and cooperation. You can demonstrate how the partnership prioritised transparent and equitable communication, decision-making and conflict resolution, ensuring a productive and cooperative relationship.
  • Sustainability and longevity. You can outline how the partnership’s outcomes are sustainable over the long term and highlight the lasting benefits it will bring to the community.

Let’s champion genuine partnerships that transform our communities!

Application requirements

  1. Applications should be made under a project or partnership name, with the consent of all partners or collaborators named in the application, with one person nominated as the key point of contact.
  2. In 2,500 words or less, applicants for the SuperCollab Award should submit a comprehensive overview of the partnership, including the background of the partners involved, the genesis of the collaboration, the project or initiative developed, and the outcomes achieved.
  3. Submit a minimum of two, maximum of six, pieces of supporting documentation such as partnership agreements, project reports, community feedback, and evidence of the initiative’s impact. These should be in either .pdf, .png or .jpeg format.
  4. Provide a 60–90 second video containing comments from each of the partners or collaborators named in the application, outlining their support of the application and why. Video content may only be filmed on a phone i.e. professionally produced content is not permitted. Please provide the video in landscape format.
  5. Confirm that all other partners know of this application (tick box).
  6. Provide two PR summaries. One should be 150 words or less, and the second 500 words or less. The PR summaries may be used if the nominee is a shortlisted finalist or winner and may be used in press release(s), promotional or marketing activities.

Eligibility criteria

  • To be eligible to enter, one of the partners or collaborators must be a current LGNZ member organisation at both the time of application and at the awards ceremony.
  • The partners or collaborators referred to in the application, their current employer or employer at time of application through to the completion of the Awards process, may not have been prosecuted, fined, or have charges or fines pending, for a violation of any environmental, social, or commercial law in Australia, New Zealand or overseas in the past three years.

Apply for the SuperCollab Award

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